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Californian thrash metal band Act Of Defiance release their second album ‘Old Scars, New Wounds’. Henry Derek (ex-Scar The Martyr), Chris Broderick (ex-Megadeth/ ex-Jag Panzer), Matt Bachand (Shadows Fall) and Shawn Drover (ex-Megadeth) do everything right on the follow-up to their impressive debut album ‘Birth and the Burial’. They’ve served up a flawless work of thrash that fans of the above-mentioned bands will definitely want in their collection. It features an atmospheric cover by artist Travis Smith.
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Artículo no. | 367056 |
Género Musical | Thrash Metal |
Media - Formato 1-3 | LP |
tema producto | Bandas |
Banda | Act Of Defiance |
Tipo de producto | LP |
Fecha de lanzamiento | 9/29/17 |
LP 1
2.Molten Core
4.The Talisman
5.Lullaby Of Vengeance
6.Circle Of Ashes
8.Conspiracy Of The Gods
9.Another Killing Spree
10.Broken Dialect
11.Rise Of Rebellion